For those who wish to address a medical issue, however simple or complicated it may be, a detailed Holistic Health Evaluation is required which would be a minimum of 1 1/2 hours or more depending on the condition.
The doctor goes through a detailed evaluation of the person regarding their present state of physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, nutritional and sociological wellbeing and present lifestyle. This may be followed by a consultation with Senior Doctor. A complete picture of the person helps in deciding the best course of treatment for the person.
The individual treatment programme is then designed by incorporating the best that each System of Medicine and Complementary Therapy can offer to the person. Our programmes are thus person-oriented and need based rather than system-oriented and general. The programme is supervised by a doctor and there is a constant review of the programme right through the stay.
The person can also avail follow-ups with the physician after they leave SAHAYA through email / telephone consultations. Medication and supplements if required can be sent to any part of the world.
We handle all kinds of Medical issues, particularly Chronic, Rare and Incurable conditions. Listed below are some of our Medical Programmes:
This will help effectively control your condition by following reversal diets, relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, therapeutic massage, naturopathic treatment and lifestyle changes.
With a skilful management of diet, therapeutic packs, yoga and herbal medicine, we help you maintain ideal sugar levels.
You can enjoy a fuller and more active lifestyle through yoga, nutrition, ayurvedic massage, homeopathy and acupuncture, which helps reduce both the physical and emotional pain.
Self management techniques can improve your lung capacity with proper counselling on yogic kriyas, breathing exercises, pranayama, diet, acupuncture, homeopathic and naturopathic treatments.
Be it smoking, drugs or alcohol, we support determined individuals with the aid of auriculotherapy, homeopathic infusions, relaxation techniques, counselling, herbal and naturopathic treatments.
Improvement in complexion and reduction in pigmentation, acne and dandruff are achieved by appropriate natural packs, herbal massage, hydrotherapy, dietary advice and homeopathic treatments. It relies on the curative qualities of herbal and ayurvedic ingredients, vegetables, fruits and salts to stimulate an individual's own healing system.
To Name a Few Conditions…(contact us for those conditions not listed)
You could address your enquiry to the doctor at:
Mob: +91.9902010903
(Callers from USA prefix 011
from the UK prefix 00 and
from other countries prefix your international dialing code) |
- If you are here for a Medical Programme, please bring all your medical reports with you. You will have an initial detailed Holistic Health Evaluation by a doctor followed by a consultation with Senior doctor after which details of your treatment programme can be made available. Medical programmes will be charged as per individual treatment programme with daily doctor’s consultation fee. Available treatments are listed on the Tariff page.
- Please do not forget to bring your comfortable clothing for yoga.
- Smoking and alcohol are not allowed on the property.
- Viewing of television is better to be avoided during treatment.
- Mobile phones are not allowed in the therapy area. We prefer you to limit usage of mobile phones and laptops.
- You should bring some warm clothing for the months of November to February.
- Ladies, we cannot carry out some treatments during the period of menstruation.
- We accept cash, cheques, debit and credit cards (Visa, Master and Amercian Express).
- Foreign guests, please make sure you have taken your visa to enter India/Bangalore.
- Please come with an open mind and make the most of your stay. Be positive, spread positivity and help us make SAHAYA a better place for you and for others.